Winter is Back (finally) - Special Rides and Events for this Long Weekend

Winter took a bit of a hiatus while we had close to 70 degree weather last weekend. We put some special road rides on the calendar and were fortunate to get in some warmer-weather BiFrost Sunday morning mountain bike rides.

However, it’s winter and we love riding in the snow! Snow returns tomorrow evening, Saturday, January 18 & we have a couple of very special rides lined up… read on for complete details. Feel free to share with your friends and invite anyone you think will enjoy the weather. Note the studded tire requirement when there’s snow on the ground - we make this a requirement for your safety and the safety of your riding companions. It is not fun to ride on ice without studs and it’s really, really not fun to crash on ice.


Tour Seven Cycles in Watertown Monday

In addition to these rides for the weekend, note we’re offering a group tour of Seven Cycles in Watertown on Monday, January 20 - this is MLK Day. The tour starts at 11am. Full details are on the Seven Tour Page.

Saturday, January 18 7pm Night Mixed Terrain/Snow Ride

We want to be out riding while it's snowing. Therefore, we're hosting a special edition Night Ride tomorrow evening, Saturday, January 18 from 7-9pm. Doors open at 6:30pm if you want get here early, change clothes, get water, air, etc. Departing from Ride Headquarters (here). All studded tire bikes are welcome and encouraged to attend! Snow shouldn't be too deep when we're out there. Be sure to bring lights and appropriate attire for snow.


This ride will be on trails local to Sherborn, and a few connecting roads. We're expecting a 2-hour ride time and we'll adjust the route to be appropriate for the weather and difficulty of riding.

Pace: We're hosting TWO groups for this ride. There will be a steady moderate group and a funner, slower group. If you're not certain of your off-road pace or if this will be your first night ride, the second "fun" group will be the one to join. We don't recommend this ride if you've never done a mixed terrain ride before. NO ONE gets dropped from the second group.

Equipment: Remember lights and bring more than you think you might need. The cold shortens the life of everything battery operated.

Though this isn't a Full Moon, all of the guidelines and rules for the Full Moon rides applies to this one. Here is the Full Moon Ride Page.

Sunday, January 19 9:00am BiFrost Fat & Mountain Ride - Remote Start in Chelmsford, MA 

Sunday, we're hosting a very special version of the BiFrost ride with a remote start! The ride will be located at Russell Mill in Chelmsford. Weather is predicted for more snow and none of the rain Sherborn is expected to get, so conditions should be pretty good up there.

We're requiring RSVPs for this ride since it's imperative that we know who to expect and if we need to contact anyone for any reason, we'll have your info:

Complete details and RSVP here: